Rental Contact

+56 9 75790144


Tengo un par de preguntas...

Each one of our Motorhomes has particularities that make them different from the rest of the fleet, however, if we talk in general terms, they all have the basic equipment that any RV has, which consists of: calefacción (estufa), comedor, cocina, lavaplatos, refrigerador, baño, ducha, lavamanos, WC, agua caliente.

Algunos modelos incluyen: aire acondicionado, televisor (HDMI), cámara de retroceso, porta bicicletas y toldo.

Our Motorhomes do not include items for personal use such as bedding or kitchen utensils.If the client wants to include these items in the rental contract, he must give notice in advance to our staff and pay an extra cost per item.

All our models have connection to any 220v outlet (a 12-meter extension cable is included to facilitate connection). In the case of not having a 220v power source nearby, all of our vehicles come equipped with a 100 Ah deep cycle battery, which allows you to have energy for the basic things in the house (light, water pump, television, among others) and depending on the use, it can last up to 1 or 2 days. This battery ir charges it self when you are driving the vehicle, and when you are connected to a 220 V.

Finally, all our Motorhomes have 4 tanks: Diesel tank, clean water tank, gray water tank (sinks, dishwasher and shower), and black water tank (WC). The black water tank is completely removable, which makes the task much easier when it comes to discharging these waters, since it is removed by an external hatch and can be taken by hand to any bathroom to drain the waters, clean it, and put it back in its place.

* No incluyen TAG

The lessee must be at least 28 years old, have a Class B driver's license (or its international equivalent) for at least 5 years, and have experience driving manual (mechanical) transmission cars. In addition to this, the lessee must sign a rental contract with the company, where all the obligations and responsibilities of each party are stipulated. Finally, the lessee must leave a monetary guarantee before starting the trip.

Nómade Motorhomes requires at the time of leasing a guarantee of $1.500.000.-CLP Ésta se puede dejar de la forma más común, que es a través de una retención de este monto en su tarjeta de crédito. Para esto solicitamos los datos delanteros de su tarjeta el día de la entrega (fijarse que la tarjeta tenga el cupo suficiente) para nosotros hacer la operación in situ, contra entrega del vehículo. 

This guarantee covers all types of damages caused to the rented motorhome. After the drop off of the vehicle, a reception program is carried out within 3 business days, where through an external and internal review our staff will determine if the guarantee is returned to the customer or if becomes partially or totally effective according to the costs associated with repairs (spare parts, materiales, tools, labor, etc.).In the event that there is no apparent damage, the guarantee will be returned immediately, with the balance reflected on your bank account within the next few days (will vary according to the customer’s bank).

Nómade Motorhomes reserves the right to make extraordinary charges to its clients in the event that the damages or losses caused by the client's responsibility have costs higher than the total amount of the guarantee.

Puedes realizar el pago de la reserva y del saldo restante, a través de una transferencia o depósito a nuestra cuenta bancaria. Para 2) Bank SWIFT, la forma más fácil y expedita para realizar la reserva (40%) de su arriendo es a través de un Swift bancario o del envío de efectivo por empresas internacionales como Western Union. Luego el saldo restante (60%) se puede pagar en efectivo el mismo día de la entrega del vehículo.

The steps to booking your Motorhome are simple; book it through the payment of 40% of the total, and then the remaining 60% cancel it 7 days before the withdrawal from the Motorhome. The 40% of the reservation will be retained for compensation, in the event that the lease is not made effective, or if it is required to cancel the reservation after 20 days before the date of delivery of the vehicle.

We advise that before booking, you first take a look around our website and see the models we have to offer. After this, decide which one you like the most and which one suits you according to some criteria such as: number of people they are, composition of the members (couples, adults, children, etc.), destination, available budget, among others. Once you decide, you can call us or send us an email informing us of the number of people and dates required. After this, we will respond to you as soon as possible with more details about availability, and the instructions for booking the Motorhome.

Las entregas y recepciones se realizan en nuestras instalaciones. Aquí pueden dejar su auto en nuestro estacionamiento cerrado sin costo alguno, y se realiza la inducción con toda comodidad. Sin embargo, el cliente es libre de negociar con la empresa la entrega (Pick-up) y devolución (Drop-off) de los vehículos en lugares acordados previamente según un análisis de factibilidad. En dichos casos el cliente estará sujeto a cargos extra por el servicio de Pick-up y/o Drop-off dependiendo del lugar acordado.

Si desean ver nuestra flota, los invitamos a escribirnos para coordinar esta. Las visitas pueden ser agendadas de Lunes a Viernes en horario a acordar.

The schedules for delivery and return of the vehicle are:

Pick Up (entrega): desde las 10:30 a 12:00 hrs del primer día pagado (puede ser un poco antes dependiendo del chequeo y limpieza a realizar en la recepción anterior).

Drop Off (devolución): el último día pagado hasta las 15:00 hrs, o al día siguiente antes de las 10:00 hrs.

Actualmente no contamos con el cruce de fronteras habilitado.

In urban areas the maximum permitted speed is 60 km/h and on roads the limit is 110 km/h.

Sí, somos una empresa Pet Friendly. Esto conlleva una limpieza profunda especial por lo que si tienes una mascota de tamaño pequeño – mediano se suma un valor de $75.000 a tu cotización.

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